Global Compassion Network
becomes GoServ Global

New Name. Same Mission.

EAGLE GROVE, Iowa – October 15, 2015 – With its fifth anniversary approaching, faith-based nonprofit Global Compassion Network has updated its name to GoServ Global, but the mission remains the same.

“Our new name, GoServ Global, quickly articulates our mission to serve around the world,” says Ken DeYoung, the organization’s co-founder. “So the new name, GoServ Global, is a perfect fit.”

The organization was born after DeYoung, an Iowa farmer and pilot, volunteered to fly medical equipment and personnel to Haiti in the wake of the horrific earthquake in 2010. Upon learning of the dire need for orphan housing and help rebuilding sustainable villages, DeYoung and fellow co-founder, Terry Baxter, began facilitating mission trips to the island and GoServ Global (formerly known as Global Compassion Network) was born.

Baxter, an Iowa-based pastor, author and popular Evangelical speaker, was also elected to the Iowa House of representatives in 2014 and continues to be active in the GoServ Global mission.

“GoServ Global was born, literally, on a ‘wing and a prayer,’” DeYoung says. “Since then, we’ve organized a dedicated donor base and hundreds of volunteers who have transformed lives in areas across the world and, in the process, have found their own lives transformed.”

The name change was the result of months of examining the nonprofit’s true mission in serving as the “hands and feet of Christ” through its domestic and international efforts.

“This whole process has helped us to better define what GoServ Global has grown to become through service to others,” says Paul van Gorkom, GoServ Global Executive Director. “We’re looking forward to how the new name will energize our organization to do even more good for both the ones we serve and those who go to serve in Christ’s name.”

About GoServ Global

GoServ Global is a not-for-profit 501c3 organization founded in 2011 to care for and support both the physical and spiritual needs of those impacted by humanitarian disasters around the world. In the U.S., GoServ Global provides immediate relief after natural disasters, bringing hearts, hands and equipment to help victims heal from damage to property and spirit. Internationally, GoServ Global responds to emergency situations, and then identifies opportunities to create lasting solutions for long-term humanitarian needs. See more about ongoing projects in Haiti, Peru, India and the U.S. by visiting

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