Watch the freedom quest workshop here
Watch as Freedom Quest founder, Terry Baxter, tells how to defeat the enemy of our souls and live life in the abundance and fullness the Father intended for us from the beginning. This freedom is available by the power of the gospel, the shed blood and mighty name of Jesus, and the Holy Spirit working in our lives! Over the 13 episodes, Terry will train and equip listeners on the names of God, the attributes of God, the offices of Christ, our authority as believers in Christ, the five levels of demonic activity, approaches to intervention and deliverance, how to put on the full armor of God, demonic oppression, spiritual bondage, deception, rebellion, anger and bitterness, sexual immorality, stimulant and substance abuse, pride and greed, spiritism and the occult, cutting off the iniquities of the forefathers, fasting and praying for revival and awakening, and much more!
Purchase a workbook or companion guide
Interested in your own copy of the Freedom Quest Workbook? Written by Terry Baxter, this workbook is a guide for the Freedom Quest Workshops as well as a great standalone tool to use for knowledge and reference. Book with shipping costs $25.00 plus tax. All proceeds go towards the Freedom Quest ministry.
Terry was born and raised in Cambridge, Minnesota. He graduated from Moody Bible Institute in Chicago with a degree in evangelism. He also attended Whitewater State University in Wisconsin and St. Cloud State University in Minnesota, where he received additional undergraduate credits in general liberal arts.
Terry married his wife, Debby, in 1979, and they were blessed with 9 children and now a rapidly growing number of grandchildren (24 and counting).
Terry is ordained under the Evangelical Free Church of America. He has pastored five churches and has spoken in hundreds of churches, camps, conferences, and evangelistic events nationally and internationally. He served for 18 years with International Messengers in Clear Lake, Iowa.
Back in 2010, Terry became co-founder of GoServ Global, which launched shortly after the earthquake in Haiti. He served for four years as the “start-up” Executive Director until the ministry could recruit full-time administrative staff. He currently serves on the Executive Board of GoServ Global and is the primary GoServ Global Visionary and Motivator. He and his wife, Debby, are full-time faith missionaries under the same organization. Terry is one of the public faces and promoters for GoServ Global.
He now focuses most of his attention on writing, speaking at numerous events, and teaching Freedom Quest Workshops both nationally and internationally. The workshops are a culmination of 35 years of equipping pastors and missionaries for spiritual warfare and helping believers to come to lasting freedom in Christ.
On the lighter side, Terry is an avid hunter, water sports enthusiast, outdoorsman, woodworker, sawyer, and pilot. He is just a common Terry with an uncommon love for Jesus.
What is the freedom quest?
Ever wonder what spiritual warfare is about? Does it affect you or the people you know? Freedom Quest Workshops are solid biblical seminars on Spiritual Warfare taught worldwide by Terry Baxter over the past thirty-five years. They are designed to equip Pastors, Missionaries, and Christian workers for practical intervention on behalf of tormented people while helping Christians break the grip of sinful bondage in their lives. It is a great format for both counseling and discipleship.
Freedom Quest Workshops can be hosted live by churches or camps in the United States. The schedule is usually three hours the opening evening and from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM the next day. These are often Friday night and all-day Saturday events. Bible Camps may offer full weekend events that are more in-depth.
The traditional Freedom Quest Workshop costs $50 and includes all materials and attendance for each individual. We provide templates for host groups to use for advertising and ask them to provide refreshments during the event and two meals on the final day.
We encourage US workshop alumni to join our support network through GoServ Global to help sponsor Freedom Quest Workshops internationally for pastors and Christian workers in 3rd world countries. An offering box is available for those who feel prompted to help.
Please text or email Terry Baxter if you are interested in hosting a Freedom Quest event. Interested in learning more? Reach out to us at
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