Trip Location: PERU Lifeline Ministries

Travel with us to the midst of the Amazon Rainforest to the largest city in the world only accessible by air or by water. Iquitos, pronounced ee-key-toes, sits adjacent to the Amazon River and generally has temperatures in the 80-95º F range with an almost daily dose of rainfall. The spoken language is a dialect of Spanish influenced by the Quechua language that was spoken for many years in the jungle areas. Iquitos is a city with many people who struggle with drug addiction, witchcraft, and poverty. 

During this trip, you will work with missionaries Hannah Baxter de Garcia and Manuel Garcia at Lifeline Ministries and Church of Life. Prepare yourself for an immersion experience into the life of a missionary pouring into a community through outreach events, meeting needs and building relationships, and a growing church in the city. While serving might include practical tasks like building or farming projects, there will also be opportunities to serve children, youth, and adults in different capacities at outreach events or church services.

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