Ambassador Spotlight: Ashley Smeby, Haiti

Before traveling to Haiti, a family friend who had gone before told me I shouldn’t go unless I was prepared to have my entire previous way of thinking washed down […]

Ambassador Spotlight: Sheila Willms, India

My husband Rob and I have had a heart for missions for many years. Looking back, God was prompting us to get involved beyond just financial support, but we had no idea […]

Ambassador Spotlight: Joe Lukes, India

I first got started with GoServ Global when I heard on KJYL Radio that they were looking for people to go to India on a mission trip. I have wanted […]

Ambassador Spotlight: Shaylyn DeYoung, Haiti

My first experience with GoServ Global was our sponsorship of Rose. We started sponsoring her in 2012. We loved sending letters and gifts to her with Ken (DeYoung), and looked […]