God the Provider: Exodus 35:20-36:7
Today I want to combine my Daily Bible Commentary with the May Miracle that is underway to raise money to purchase a ministry building in Peru, South America.
My personal motto is: “It’s our job to tell the story; It’s God’s job to move the mountain!” The mountain to raise $95,000 plus 18% to 20% more for attorneys and closing fees in Peru, South America for the purchase of a building for Life Line Ministries in the month of May is moving! To God be the glory!
As of Friday, May 26, 2023 the balance in hand is $92,134.24. Just to clarify what God is doing, let me summarize the last three days.
May 24, 2023: $62,072.57 May 25, 2023: $84,372.86 May 26, 2023: $92,134.24
Isn’t God the Provider wonderful? The match challenge has now been fully met and surpassed, but God is still matching donors with blessings.
The total goal for closing fees and some needed maintenance issues is $120,000. The closing date is June 15, 2023. Because of memorial weekend, the GoServ Global office will be closed until May 30th. I will bring another update at that time.
Join in and give toward this miracle and become part of a memory that can be celebrated into eternity. Many are coming to Jesus through Life Line Ministries. I’m celebrating every day how God is working through His people in moving this mountain.
One of my favorite Bible stories of God’s provision through His People in the Bible is found in Exodus 35:20-36:7. As they prepared to build the tabernacle, God moved the people to give for the project. It looked impossible. The project was big. They were wandering in the wilderness. Not one of them had a regular job or income. Yet God moved many of them to give.
The results were incredible! There was such an abundance that Exodus 36:5-7 says that Moses had to issue a command for the people to stop giving toward the tabernacle project. Can you imagine that?
I do not believe in the modern prosperity doctrine, but I do believe in the principles clearly written in the Bible. In Malachi 3:8-12, God calls His people to test Him with tithes. He promised to open the windows of heaven on faithful givers. This is the only matter in the whole Bible about which God commands us to test Him! That should get your attention.
This same principle is found in 2 Corinthians 8-9 in the New Testament. God wants us to discover Him as faithful provider through our giving to His work. He wants to open the windows of heaven.
My goal in early June is to slip into the sandals of Moses and write an update that says, “Stop Giving Toward This Project. The Needs Have Been Abundantly Met!”
Daily Bible Commentary By Terry Baxter: Cofounder of GoServ Global