Minden, IA — I’ve heard stories. Of tornadoes and their destructive power. Yesterday, I saw the destruction and the people whose lives were totally changed on April 26th. Our GoServ Global Domestic Team has been deployed for three weeks in Pottawattamie County to help families clean up and prepare to begin again. I knew that we offer disaster relief, but I was deeply impressed by the knowledge of our staff and volunteers and the sympathetic touch they offer.

I first met Charlie. Charlie’s house was completely lifted off his basement foundation and
destroyed. He needs the basement block walls and concrete floor removed so a new modular home can be placed on a new foundation. Our GoServ Global Domestic Team knew exactly what he needed, and they have the equipment to accomplish this task. By the end of today, the space will be ready for the new foundation and basement construction.

Another introduction was to Terry. Terry and his wife have three sons with the oldest graduating from high school this month. Their home and outbuildings are completely unusable. Working full-time jobs, preparing for a high school graduation, and desiring to make their world stable once again for their children are their highest priorities, yet they also need three buildings and several trees cleared from their land so they can start to build again.

At lunchtime, I met Pastor Mark. Pastor Mark has a testimony of how God radically changed his life, and he has taken on the mantle of ministry to reach “the least of these” who know they need hope and a new direction in life. He continues to operate his businesses to help those in need and to supplement the church budget. After the tornado, he and his wife found their house torn apart and much of their business inventory and building scattered beyond retrieval. Our GoServ Global volunteers were there yesterday helping to sort the debris from the still useable and encouraging Pastor Mark while he helps his church family deal with the very recent death of a beloved church member.

At every place and introduction, we offered to pray with these new friends. I had the privilege of asking our gracious God to grant His comfort and peace to each of these wonderful people and their families. I often worry that someone will think those words are trite. But what a great blessing for someone to find peace and comfort when their world has been torn apart. If our God can grant that wonderful gift at this time and for this situation, then maybe, just maybe, He can be trusted by them for the gift of life eternal through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Your gifts and partnership with GoServ Global and our Domestic Team make this ministry
possible. When asked where our funding comes from, our answer is your generosity! Please
help with a small or large gift by donating at www.goservglobal.org/disaster.

Mark Doss, Ministry Director GoServ Global