If you’ve seen our recent posts about phase one of the Centre de Vie rebuild, you may be wondering what that’s about. A vibrant church in Haiti, GoServ Global helped with the construction in the original building in a central location that drew many people. Locals poured into the building and filled it, so they put chairs out in the street to join in the worship on Sundays. God poured out many blessings and many people were gathering together to worship and accept Christ.

Things changed when Haiti was hit with a 7.1 magnitude earthquake on August 21, 2022. While many people were injured and lost their homes, are friends at Centre de Vie lost the building that they had been gathering in each Sunday. Due to the state of its structure, it was condemned and wouldn’t be rebuilt for use again. Now, they have purchased a new piece of land and have been gathering faithfully each Sunday under tents, going out as early as 4 AM to set up for services.

GoServ Global is looking for 100+ people to invite friends and family to help raise $35,000, which will be matched if raised by the end of March, to help pay for the first phase of building the new church on this land. Will you prayerfully consider giving or inviting your friends and family to give? No matter what amount you give, a generous donor will match it, doubling your gift to help reach the project goal. If just 100 people help to raise $350, we will have what we need!

Go to goservglobal.org/give/ and select “Centre de Vie Rebuild” under projects or mail in a gift to GoServ Global ATTN: Centre de Vie at 1370 NW 18th ST., Unit 101, Ankeny, IA 50023. All we can do is share the story and let God move the mountains!