The Trial Before Pilate: Matthew 27:11-14
“11) Now Jesus stood before the governor, and the governor questioned Him, saying, “Are You the King of the Jews?” And Jesus said to him, “It is as you say.” 12) And while He was being accused by the chief priests and elders, He did not answer. 13) Then Pilate *said to Him, “Do You not hear how many things they testify against You?” 14) And He did not answer him with regard to even a single charge, so the governor was quite amazed.” Matthew 27:11-14
The trial of Jesus before Caiaphas was a mockery of justice. His death was determined before the trial began, The trial of Jesus before Pilate had some merit. Pilate concluded that Jesus was an innocent man and that jealousy motivated His accusers. (See Matthew 27:18)
Sadly, there are times when government is more righteous than religion. Herod even sought a way to release Jesus. In the end, he gave way to political pressure. The will of the people often triumphs over truth and justice.
The full story of the trial of Jesus before Pilate requires a study of all four gospels. It appears that Pilate gained a degree of respect for Jesus and even maintained His innocence.
Church history hints that after falling from his position with Rome, Pilate and his wife may have become followers of Jesus. Only eternity will answer the mystery surrounding the destiny of Pilate, but he washed his hands of the sentence pronounced on Jesus. (See Matthew 27:24-26)
In this exchange, Pilate washed his hands before the people and said, “24)… I am innocent of this man’s blood, see to that yourselves.” To this gesture, all the people answered and said, “25… His blood be on us and our people.”
It is intriguing that twice in the text the blood guilt of Jesus is assigned on people and once on money. In Matthew 27:4, Judas confessed of being guilty of “betraying innocent blood.” In Matthew 27:6, the thirty pieces of silver were defiled as being “the price of blood.” And now in Matthew 27:24-25 the religious leaders and the crowd said, “His blood be on us and our children.”
We now have an irony about the blood of Jesus. It has both the power to cleanse and forgive and it has the power condemn and bring eternal death. It is the bases of both the salvation of the Redeemed and the condemnation of the lost.
How do you choose the blood of Jesus be applied to your life? Do you trust in Him for your salvation or reject Him toward your condemnation? The lost have no excuse! They reject the free gift of salvation purchased with the blood of Jesus. (See John 3:16-21) The redeemed believe in the work of Jesus on the cross to pay for their debt of sin.
Daily Bible Commentary By Terry Baxter: Cofounder of GoServ Global