Explanation of the Sower: Mathew 13:18-23
Jesus now explains the parable of the sower. It appears that the sower is anyone who shares the Word of God. It certainly includes the gospel, but could be any portion of Scripture or theme in the Bible. Jesus stressed three common enemies the Word faces before it can bear fruit or reach maturity.
The first enemy is the evil one. (Mathew 13:19)This is like seed by the wayside. Whenever God’s Word is preached without understanding, Satan is quick to steal it away from people. This is why prayer must always accompany the sharing of the Gospel. According to 2 Corinthians 4:3-4, the god of this world seeks to blind people to the gospel. He wants to steal the seed.
The second enemy relates to other people. (Matthew 13:20-21) This is like seed in rocky places. These people receive the Word with joy, but when the heat of trials or persecution come… they fall way. They give way to reticule or the desire to please others. If you desire to walk with God, expect critics. Discouragers are everywhere! They are eager to throw cold water on your walk with God!
The third enemy is self. (Matthew 13:22) This is pictured by seed among thorns. The Word of God will be choked out by the worries of the world, the pursuit of wealth or the desire for other things. It often relates to the lure of fun and pleasure. Of the three enemies, this is often the most difficult to overcome. Many times I have been my own worse enemy.
But those who persevere past these three enemies discover an unimaginable yield in this life. This pictured by good soil. (Matthew 13:23) The fruitfulness is thirty, sixty or a hundred fold. The person who walks with God and builds their life on Scripture becomes very fruitful in this life. What God can do through one man or woman who is fully consecrated to Him, defies explanation. They indeed enter and live in the Promise Land.
Jesus calls each of us into a daily walk with Him by building His Word into our lives. There will be trials, opposition and distractions, but nothing the world offers compares to walking with God. The yield compounds. The walk in the Spirit is a life of abundance far beyond worldly wealth. It includes becoming the man or woman God intended when He created people and invited them into fellowship with Himself.
Daily Bible Commentary By Terry Baxter: Cofounder of GoServ Global