Children’s Ministry: 2 Timothy 3:14-15
“14) You, however, continue in the things you have learned and become convinced of, knowing from whom you have learned them, 15) and that from childhood you have known the sacred writings which are able to give you the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.” 2 Timothy 3:14-15
The seeds to Timothy’s walk with God were planted in his childhood. His mother and grandmother taught him Bible stories and read Scripture to him. The soil was prepared and the seeds were sown very early in his heart and mind. This was eventually used by the Holy Spirit to bring him to salvation.
My story was a bit different. I grew up in a non-Christian home. My parents seldom went to church. But we had a retired couple in our neighborhood who loved children. They would fill their car every Sunday morning with children on their way to Sunday school, church or vacation Bible School. Shortly, they had to drive two vehicles.
I was rebellious and reluctant. I did not want to go, but my parents often pushed the four Baxter kids out the door. In those early days, my parents relished the quite every Sunday morning so they could recover from a Saturday night hangover.
Despite my hurt and confused little world, the seeds of the gospel were planted in my heart. Gods Word never returns void. The Holy Spirit used their efforts, loving witness and faithful prayers to eventually bring me and my siblings to salvation.
Many other children touched by them also came to Jesus. Their humble efforts to reach unchurched children has multiplied many times over around the world through the past sixty years through those influenced by them.
There are millions of neglected and unreached children today scattered all across America and around the world. Many live in broken and dysfunctional homes. My story can become their story with a little love, care and effort.
Let me relate another story about children that impacted me during my first year at Bible College. I was invited on a spring break to Clearwater, Florida to engage in beach evangelism. On Saturday morning, I heard that the church we were working with had an outreach for their Sunday School bus ministry. I decided to tag along.
About twenty people showed up for the outreach. That impressed me! They had a short meeting and prayed together. Then they headed out for visitation along their various bus routes.
The woman I was paired with for the morning spent two hours going door to door on her bus route inviting children to Sunday School. She knew many of them. The response was amazing. Then she would ride the bus every Sunday morning and tell Bible stories and care for the children. She was bubbling over with joy and enthusiasm.
This was her ministry and it was very fruitful. As I recall, the ministry had grown to over 20 bus routes around the city and each picked around 25 children every Sunday morning. Do the math, it was a very fruitful ministry but took dedicated workers every Saturday and Sunday morning to maintain.
As I recall, the bus ministry workers were not the Sunday School teachers. They would shepherd their little flock through the system and sometimes help wash or feed some of their bus route kids. It was amazing to watch. They would also minister to the families on their routes. Often the parents eventually came to Jesus and would then bring their own families to church.
I believe in children’s ministry. It is an abundant and perpetual harvest field more ripe today than any time in history. But it takes time, compassion, consistency and commitment. However, the rewards far outweigh the efforts. Ask Paul! He was writing this letter to a beneficiary of children’s ministry. God wants to change the world one child at a time.
Daily Bible Commentary By Terry Baxter: Cofounder of GoServ Global.