Face Your Fears: 2 Timothy 1:7
“7) for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” ‭‭2 Timothy‬ ‭1:7‬ ‭ESV‬‬
Fear is the enemy of faith. When you read Hebrews 11, which is the great faith chapter, you quickly discover that men and women of faith overcame fear, doubt and unbelief to accomplish Gods will.
Fear is real. When fear takes root in Gods people they become weak, timid and disobedient. The ten spies imparted fear in the people, as a result they turned away from the conquest and wasted forty years.
Fear has many expressions. Some have a fear of flying, fear of water, fear of bugs, fear of man, fear of rejection, fear of failure, fear of Covid and ultimately a fear of death. Fear causes people to do irrational things and loose their peace and composure.
The only positive fear in the Bible is the fear of God. This is synonymous with reverence, confidence, respect and trust. This high view of God imparts faith, power, love, peace and mental fortitude.
God is the source of faith and not fear. Paul was encouraging Timothy to face his fear of persecution, suffering and death. Without faith he would loose boldness, courage and the ability to serve God and lead His people.
As faith grows, fear diminishes. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. As time in the Word and prayer increases, so does intimacy and relationship with God. Faith grows as relationship with God deepens.
When Satan comes on like a roaring lion to impart fear, we are commanded to resist him firm in our faith. (1 Peter 5:8-9) We are called to fight the good fight of faith and use our dependency on God to defeat every foe. Learn to face your fears through faith in Christ.
Daily Bible Commentary By Terry Baxter: Cofounder of GoServ Global