Discover The Multiplying Affect: Colossians 4:17
“17) Say to Archippus, “Take heed to the ministry which you have received in the Lord, that you may fulfill it.”” Colossians‬ ‭4:17‬
Virtually nothing is known about Archippus. He is mentioned here and also in Philemon 1:2. From the text in Philemon, it sounds like he hosted a church in his house and he may have been the pastor. Paul calls him a “fellow soldier.”
Paul’s admonition to Archippus is short and pointed; “Take heed to the ministry which you have received in the Lord, that you fulfill it.” There is always a danger of minimizing the significance of the ministry God has entrusted to you.
Those pastoring small churches may be tempted into thinking they are of little value. Those in larger churches can be tempted to coast believing other staff can fill in the gap. Paul’s admonition is fitting for all, “take heed to the ministry which you have received in the Lord, that you fulfill it.”
Jesus taught in Luke 16:10-12 that those who are faithful in small things will be entrusted greater things. This is true in handling finances, investing in relationships, leading a Bible study or doing any task. Faithfulness in small things is doorway to bigger things. Quality ministry has a multiplying affect.
As you grow as a person your value grows. Doing your best with every task entrusted to you expresses your philosophy of life. As you grow… everything around you will begin to grow. It’s called “influence.”
Beware of measuring significance by numbers. Small groups of people are as important as large groups. Jesus placed as much value on the one sheep that went astray as the 99 that remained with the flock. (See Luke 15:3-7)
So what ministry has God entrusted to you? “Take heed that you fulfill it!” Apply yourself with cheerfulness, diligence and excellence. Be faithful where you are and watch what God does.
Faithfulness places you in the “multiplying affect.” This was true of Joseph, David, Daniel and multiple biblical leaders. Do your best and let God do the multiplying. Character makes a difference. Be a person of integrity.
Be faithful in building your walk with God. Be faithful in your daily Bible study and prayer times. Be faithful with your marriage and family relationships. Be faithful with your physical fitness. Be faithful with your finances. Be faithful with your personal witness and evangelism. Be faithful in your career. As you grow everything around you will begin to grow.
There is only one way to tap into the multiplying affect; “Take heed to the ministry entrusted to you in the Lord, that you may fulfill it!”
Daily Bible Commentary By Terry Baxter: Cofounder of GoServ Global