Motivations Of The Giver: Romans 12:8
“8) or he who exhorts, in his exhortation; he who gives, with liberality; he who leads, with diligence; he who shows mercy, with cheerfulness.” Romans 12:8
We now come to the gift of giving. Though every Christian should see themselves as stewards and give tithes and offerings, the giver has extra faith to earn wealth and give in huge ways.
I know one buisness owner that gives over 50% of his income to the tune of millions of dollars a year. I know another business owner who supports the salary of 600 pastoring 3rd world countries. I know numerous Godly farmers who give abundantly to missions. They have a gift of giving and God has blessed their personal lives as well.
Let’s take a moment and look at the strengths and potential weaknesses of this grace gift.
MOTIVATIONAL GRACE OF GIVING: Romans 12:8b A. Example: Matthew (Luke 5:27-29) B. Guiding Scripture: Romans 12:13 C. Characteristics of this gift: 1) Can easily see resources needed for the work. 2) Often invests self with the gift and has an ability to save, invest wisely, often successful in business and understands money management. 3)Desire to give high quality for lasting value. 4) Desires that the gift matches a special need. 5) Finds joy in giving secretly to worthwhile causes. 6) Exercises personal thriftiness and is fiscally conservative. 7) Uses giving approaches that motivate others to give.
D. Weaknesses inherent in gift: 1) Hoarding resources for self if he doesn’t believe in cause. 2) Using giving to control or manipulate others and watches financial reports very carefully. 3) sometimes feels guilty about personal success or assets. 4) Give to projects instead of people. 5) Reject pressure appeals for giving. 6) Neglect providing for own family to have more to give. 7) Can unintentionally cause people to look to them for supply rather than to God.
Daily Bible Commentary By Terry Baxter: Cofounder of GoServ Global