Motivations of the Gift of Helps: Romans 12:7a
“6) Since we have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, each of us is to exercise them accordingly: if prophecy, according to the proportion of his faith; 7) if service, in his serving; or he who teaches, in his teaching;” Romans‬ ‭12:6-7‬
We now come to the second motivational gift or grace. Paul calls it the gift of service. It is often referred to as the gift of helps. These are those faithful volunteers who faithfully serve in the background doing whatever is needed. They often see the needs before others and put their hands to the task.
I personally believe that Timothy had this motivational gift. We will discover in the scriptures below that he served Paul’s needs as a faithful son in the gospel. Let’s look at the strengths and weaknesses of these people.
2. MOTIVATIONAL GRACE OF SERVING: Romans 12:7a A. Example: Timothy B.Guiding Scripture: Romans 12:10 C. Characteristics of this gift: 1) Quickly sees and meets the needs of others. (Phil 2:20) 2) Receives joy from freeing other to minister. (Phil 2:22) 3) Disregard of self in completing tasks for others. (Phil 2:30) 4) Over committed because can’t say “no”. 5)Alert to peoples likes and dislikes in buying gifts. 6) Needs approval and affirmation. 7) Enjoys short-range projects. D. Weaknesses inherent in this gift. 1) Sometimes the task becomes more important than people. 2) Neglect home front to serve others. 3) Sacrifice personal health for service. 4) Neglect God given priorities to volunteer. 5) React to others who can’t see obvious needs to tackle. 6) Resent lack of appreciation from others. 7) Frustrated with time limits.
Behind every effective pastor or leader are many people with the gift of helps. Truth be told, they carry the load of the ministry. Many of them seldom get the recognition they deserve in this life, but I have a suspicion they will be well known in heaven.
Daily Bible Commentary By Terry Baxter: Cofounder of GoServ Global