The Calling: Romans 12:1
“1) Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. Romans 12:1
This verse represents Paul’s conclusion to Romans 11:33-36. Because of the unfathomable Sovereignty and Majesty of God, we should run to Him and not from Him. We should view our bodies and our entire being as a perpetual living and holy sacrifice to Him.
The sacrificial lamb had to be without blemish. It had to be the best of the flock and not average, sickly or filled with infirmity. Paul was not calling us to outward religious ceremony; he was simply saying we should view ourselves as set aside for God. We should live in relationship to Him.
He ends this verse by noting that this sincere consecration to God represents our spiritual service of worship. He wants us and not empty religious ceremony. He wants us to be a song of worship to Him.
The principle laid out in this verse is a radical departure from the outward religious facade of Judaism. Jesus did not come to start a new religion, He came to call people into intimate and transforming fellowship with God.
Here is the take away: He is calling you and me to Himself. He wants us to set aside all of our baggage and distractions and answer this call to fellowship. He wants us to move beyond superficial religion and enter into a supernatural relationship with Himself.
Have you answered this call? Is your walk with God real or superficial? Is your life becoming a melody of worship to God?
Daily Bible Commentary By Terry Baxter: Cofounder of GoServ Global