At GoServ Global, we believe child sponsorship has the power to change lives and deliver hope to children across the globe. All children deserve to have access to medical care, dental care, safety, love and protection. Sponsoring kids is a compassionate way to connect you and your family with a child in need and their community.

How Does Child Sponsorship Work?

What does it mean to sponsor a child? When you sponsor a child through a child sponsorship program, he or she experiences physical, emotional and spiritual benefits. Sponsoring benefits children worldwide, in places like Haiti, Guatemala and India. Your special relationship with your sponsored child can transform their life and provide them with a better future.

Child sponsorship starts with three simple steps:

  1. Select a child to sponsor on a monthly or yearly basis.
  2. Receive your welcome to learn how your monetary gift helps your sponsored child thrive.
  3. Stay informed of your child’s progress through photographs and updates.

You’ll quickly learn that sponsoring a child doesn’t just change one life—it changes your life, too.

Sponsoring a Child Helps Provide Medical and Dental Care

Access to health care plays a pivotal role in a child’s wellbeing and development, as well as the overall poverty rate in his or her community. Children in impoverished communities are at greater risk for illness, tooth decay and gum disease. Prolonged health issues and unmet dental needs can cause children to fall behind in school, abandon their education and have difficulty making a living wage.

Child sponsorship helps address the root of the problem by providing basic medical and dental care to children in need. Sponsorship funds provide children with the opportunity to access life-changing antibiotics for infections, as well as basic medical care at local health clinics.

Many recurring sponsorship gifts also protect children against preventable health issues by funding educational programs that encourage healthy habits such as nutrition, water sanitation and oral hygiene.

Additional Benefits of Child Sponsorship Programs

Child sponsorship programs focus on meeting basic, necessary needs for children living in poverty or marginalized communities. In addition to medical and dental care, sponsorship gifts can help create a path for children who need access to the following:

Every sponsorship counts toward improving the lives of children in need through positive change, hope and critical resources.Mission Trip ambassador holds a small boy when visiting with sponsor-a-child program

Sponsor a Child Through GoServ Global

Now that you’ve learned how to sponsor a child in need, are you ready to take the next step? At GoServ Global, you can fund a child with confidence knowing that 100 percent of your sponsorship goes to your sponsored child.

Donate online now or choose a child to sponsor today. Our secure platform enables you to browse child biographies, view photographs and join us in sharing God’s love through child sponsorship.





Sponsor a Child Now