What is Child Sponsorship?

Child sponsorship is financial support that addresses a child’s physical needs, as well as emotional needs such as self-respect and confidence. Sponsorship funds support children with education, housing, hunger relief, medical needs and faith.

When you sponsor a child in need through our child sponsorship program, you help release that child from generations of poverty and give him or her a chance at a different life.

The Benefits of a Biblical Education

A classroom with Guatemalan children at four rows of desksSponsorship enables a biblical education, which can help the very poor change their life’s path. Children born to poor parents in some areas of Guatemala often get very little to no education. For example, in Guatemala when boys turn 12, they leave school and head to the fields to become day labors where they make $10 a day. As grown men, they receive $14 a day.

Girls are expected to follow a different path. While education has become more accessible for girls in recent years, many girls in Guatemala do not attend school. On average, girls in Guatemala spend only 1.8 years in school, according to the Cooperative for Education.

At age 14, girls are expected to find a husband, or their families will find one for them. Many girls give birth to their first child before the age of 17.

“A biblical worldview and biblical education is the best way to break this cycle and give these children a fighting chance in life,” says Mark Lee, GoServ Global Guatemala Director. “Child sponsorship is a great vehicle to provide a biblical education for children.”

How to Sponsor a Child in Need

A boy who received child sponsorship smilesA monthly or yearly donation can drastically change a child’s path in life. Consider opening your heart to a child who could benefit from sponsorship. To get started, follow three simple steps:

  1. Support a child in Guatemala by visiting our child sponsorship page.
  2. Receive your welcome email and learn how your gift helps a Guatemalan child thrive.
  3. Watch your child flourish through photographs or project updates.

To help a child out of poverty, consider sponsorship starting at $35/month. Give with confidence that 100 percent of your gift goes directly toward your sponsored child.

Sponsor a Child