God has blessed GoServ Global with the opportunity to share our story at 8 events with attendance of 3 million people in the next 2 months. However, we are in need of some resources to make this happen. We need $20,000 very quickly to pull off these events productively. We have already raised $8,750, so the remaining need is $11,000.
We have seen how God powerfully uses these events in the past. One example – our Birthing Center in Haiti is a direct result of a conversation with an attendee at a promotional event.
Here are our needs:
Our staff will be spending a considerable amount of time on the road including 3 weeks in MN. The purchase of a camper will save GoServ more than $4000 in hotel costs just for the remainder of this season. The camper will also be used at domestic disaster sites in the future.
Heavy duty truck and utility/tool bed
Recently GoServ was blessed to purchase a 2005 Ford F550 cab and chassis at a reduced price. This truck will be used as a service truck and to pull trailers to promotional events and disaster sites. The utility/tool bed will provide a secure yet assessable place for tools at promotion events and disaster sites.
We need to raise these funds in the next 2 weeks. Would you help GoServ take advantage of sharing God’s story over the next 10 weeks and be prepared and more effective for the next natural disaster?
Give today – https://goservglobal.org/give/ & Choose “Domestic Disaster Relief” in the dropdown.