“How did you know we were out of food?” questioned Madam Mauline, head of Bethel Orphanage.

Conwell Larson just shook his head and said, The Lord told me.

If GoServ Global hadn’t brought food that day, everyone at this orphanage wouldn’t have eaten for 10 days.

The orphanage had recently lost its funding and because of the impending demonstrations, the stores had shut down. It had already been a couple days since they’d eaten anything.

That day Conwell brought a volunteer to the Bethel who was serving in Haiti on a GoServ Global mission trip. This volunteer shared, “A few months ago, the Lord laid it on my heart that this trip was going to change my life.”

After learning that Bethel needed $750/month to feed all the children, he said he wanted to cover this. He had been setting money aside for awhile now and so far, he had enough for 6 to 8 months, but he’d get friends to help support it too.

Many people ask Ken DeYoung – why Haiti? He shares a story about the time a mother handed him her baby in downtown Les Cayes.

So many ask, how can you do that to your child – give away your baby? But, she did it out of love – she couldn’t afford to take care of her and thought that Ken could provide much more than she could.

“That tore me apart,” he says. “How do you walk away from that? They’re stuck in a situation where they need a little help. We can’t do it all, but we all can do something.”

As GoServ Global helps the physical needs, the recipients always asks, “Why are you doing this?” It’s at this time that God opens their hearts for the gospel. The Lord is changing lives by helping through physical needs.

What is God calling you to be obedient in today?