Where is your gift going?
Below is a list of current projects for the end of 2024 and through 2025 to help support momentum in our ministries around the world! We want to see God move in big ways, and you can help. 100% of your gift goes where you designate it. Use our give buttons to donate online or contact our office. Search for charity GoServ Global and write a note to designate your gift.
All gifts are tax-deductible through GoServ Global! If you’d like to help through fundraising, you can start a GoFundMe fundraiser for charity GoServ Global.
To give cash or check gifts, please send to GoServ Global 1370 NW 18th ST., Unit 101, Ankeny, IA 50023.
Iowa Disaster Relief
Funds needed: $2,500 per day of deployment
Peru: Genesis Church Solar Panels
Funds needed: $10,000
Lightening struck and burned out 4 of our 6 panels at camp, leaving us at a severe disadvantage for electricity. We need to buy 7 more solar panel units and a new generator to have ongoing electricity at camp.

Haiti: Centre de Vie Church Construction
Funds needed: $200,000
The Centre de Vie congregation needs a completed church building to fulfill their vision of reaching the people of Les Cayes with the gospel. Their need is an additional $200,000 to complete the building. Why is GoServ Global committed to raising these funds? As Ken DeYoung stated, “How much better can you use your money to build a church building that will be used for years to come to share the gospel! This is a lot of money, but lives will be changed.” Many more people are coming to the city of Les Cayes and the need for the church to deliver hope to the city through the gospel is a partnership that fits GoServ Global perfectly.
From the beginning, GoServ Global has been showing God’s love to people by giving humanitarian aid. We also made it a priority to partner with or start gospel-preaching churches so people will know that they can have an eternal hope in addition to help today. Ken DeYoung and Conwell Larson were introduced to Pastor Rivenson and Marcia by Eddy and June Constant in the early days of GoServ Global’s work in Haiti. GoServ Global has been committed to a facility for Centre de Vie since helping to purchase the first building that housed a bar. That building was remodeled but later damaged so badly by an earthquake that the city condemned the building. GoServ Global then sent donations to buy the property and start constructing the new building. Is it worth the investment with the uncertainty in Haiti? We believe the answer is a definitive yes! More people will be reached through vibrant worship and gospel-preaching; a school can be started and children’s programs can be created. This new facility will be earthquake resistant and able to survive the corrosive effects of sea salt, as well as culturally relevant. You can be a part of delivering hope by giving to complete this construction project. Please allow the Spirit of God to stir your heart to give!
Domestic Warehouse Purchase
Funds needed: $250,000
GoServ Global delivers hope globally and part of that is handling small and large equipment for disaster relief, storing Safe T Home® units, and preparing to ship supplies, food, and equipment to our international places of ministry. Albert City has rented warehouse and office space to GoServ Global for several years, but we are out of room and need a larger space. Dennis Anderson, our Domestic Director, has proposed that we purchase and remodel a warehouse space for our needs. We recently prepared a shipping container with the final building supplies and medical supplies for the birthing center project in Liberia. The excavator, skid loaders, and other large equipment are stored among Safe T Home® units and other supplies. So many items in the space adds significant time when a specific project needs completed. One project took 3.5 hours after moving things out of the way to reach the necessary supplies. The proposed warehouse building will have both heated and cold storage; a heated shop and wash bay; a heated storage area for chain saws and tools, and an office. This would be a huge blessing for the Domestic ministry team and helps grow the vision of our Disaster Relief ministry. Dennis proposes adding a loading dock, men’s and women’s locker rooms, and an apartment for staff or interns. Please consider a year-end gift for the GoServ Global warehouse so we can continue to deliver hope globally!

Watch for upcoming projects!
- Small Town, Big Deal Sponsorship
- Freedom Quest Media Ministry Expansion
- Safe T Home® Ministry expansion in Africa
- Promotion Events Sponsorships
- GoServ Global Overhead and Core Support Ministry Support
- Peru: Genesis Church Aquaponics Project
More giving Options!
Our donors make all of our ministry possible through prayer, serving, and giving! If you’d like to support the ministry, use one of the buttons below to designate your gift or consider joining TEAMHOPE.
because hope is essential
Many people in the world where GoServ Global serves are in a deep need for hope. Their lives are entrapped in cycles or chaos. This desperation makes people vulnerable to exploitation and the evils of the world, and robs them of hope in their darkest moments.
When you partner with GoServ Global by joining TEAMHOPE and giving monthly, children eat and go to school, families live in homes, medical care is received, disaster relief is possible, and Jesus’ love is shared.
Creative Ways to give
Stock Donation
Have your financial representative transfer stock directly to GoServ Global that will provide tax savings for you.
Vehicle Donation
GoServ Global accepts vehicle donations through CAREasy.com Go to their website to learn more.

GoServ Global is

The GoServ Global team stewards the mission, you pray, care and act to make it happen. Who is GoServ Global? GoServ Global is YOU!