Before traveling to Haiti, a family friend who had gone before told me I shouldn’t go unless I was prepared to have my entire previous way of thinking washed down the drain, and there is really no better way to explain it. I’m not sure there is a day that goes by where I don’t find myself thinking of the beautiful faces of the kids I’ve met in Haiti.
I think the biggest way that my mission trips have changed my life is opening my eyes and heart outside of my comfort bubble. Going on a mission trip to Haiti opened my eyes to poverty, and got me thinking about how I could help during the time when I was back in the States. After serving in Haiti in 2017, I saw the leather earring trend, and I have always been creative so I decided to make a few pairs for myself. I posted them on social media and they were a hit! I decided that this could be the opportunity to market them as “Handmade for Haiti” and this project would allow me to share the story of GoServ Global while also raising funds for projects in Haiti.
You can purchase my earrings on Etsy & follow me on facebook: @HandmadeforHaiti.
My Life
I live in Ames and work for an agricultural cooperative as a Grain Marketing Advisor and also makes T-shirt quilts through Custom Quilts by Ashley.