Purchase Materials
Interested in your own copy of the Freedom Quest Workbook? Written by Terry Baxter, this workbook is a guide for the Freedom Quest Workshops as well as a great standalone tool to use for knowledge and reference. Book with shipping costs $25.00 plus tax. All proceeds go towards the Freedom Quest ministry. We recommend everyone has one of these for a workshop event.
What is the freedom quest?
Ever wonder what spiritual warfare is about? Does it affect you or the people you know? Freedom Quest Workshops are solid biblical seminars on Spiritual Warfare taught worldwide by Terry Baxter over the past thirty-five years. They are designed to equip Pastors, Missionaries, and Christian workers for practical intervention on behalf of tormented people while helping Christians break the grip of sinful bondage in their lives. It is a great format for both counseling and discipleship.
Freedom Quest Workshops can be hosted live by churches or camps in the United States. The schedule is usually three hours the opening evening and from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM the next day. These are often Friday night and all-day Saturday events. Bible Camps may offer full weekend events that are more in-depth. We work with your schedule as needed, just ask.
The traditional Freedom Quest Workshop costs $50 and includes all materials and attendance for each individual. We provide templates for host groups to use for advertising and ask them to provide refreshments during the event and two meals on the final day. Promotional material templates can be found by clicking the button at the top of the page.
We encourage US workshop alumni to join our support network through GoServ Global to help sponsor Freedom Quest Workshops internationally for pastors and Christian workers in 3rd world countries. An offering box is available for those who feel prompted to help.
Terry is always refining the materials as he continues to teach it around the world. The vision for Freedom Quest is that it would be translated and published globally and to create a digital video series for the workshop. Ask Terry if you’d like to learn more about the vision!

If you need any help or have questions about promotions materials, contact Regan.