Manuel Miracle:
This update is from our daughter Hannah.
Thank you so much for praying.
They moved Manuel to a low risk room tonight meaning he can have his phone and I am able to visit him tomorrow.
But tonight I was able to call him and talk to him to process over everything that happened yesterday.
He told me his side of what happened.
At the first clinic he remembered at one point having three doctors talking about his case to him saying, you need a heart transplant but they cost a lot of money and in the time frame you have it’s not possible.
When they transferred him to the second hospital they had to sedate him. To keep from stressing out his heart.
At the second hospital ( the one he is currently at). They re-took the test and agreed that his heart was in bad shape. That’s when they told us about him having tops three days to live if he didn’t get to Lima for treatment. he was dying.
For some reason the new doctors ordered a new test and his heart was healing, then they ordered a new test ( in total he had 15 of the same tests done) at every test his heart was a little healthier until they couldn’t see anything wrong with it. The doctors ask Manuel how his heart was feeling and he said feels normal. Then the doctors said we have no way to explain what just happened. They couldn’t see anything signs of a heart attack, or the blood clots, his heart was/is healthy.
When the new doctor looked at the last test he asked why is he here? There is nothing wrong his heart but it looks like he has pneumonia in his lungs.
They decided to send him to the intermediate healthcare unit to watch what would happen because the doctors were left baffled with his case.
I truly believe God literally gave Manuel a new heart because of everyone who covered him in prayer.
He’s alive because each one of you reached out to your prayer warriors and also prayed yourselves for his healing. Thank you, thank you and thank you.
What a mighty God we serve! Sent from my iPhone