The Key to Harmony in the Lord: Philippians 4:2-3
“I urge Euodia and I urge Syntyche to live in harmony in the Lord. Indeed, true companion, I ask you also to help these women who have shared my struggle in the cause of the gospel, together with Clement also and the rest of my fellow workers, whose names are in the book of life.” Philippians‬ ‭4‬:‭2‬-‭3‬ ‭
As we have noticed, the book of Philippians deals extensively with interpersonal relationships. Paul talked at length about serving others and not promoting self. Why? Most of the problems in our churches can be traced back to conflicts between people.
Such was the case in Philippi. Paul had to admonish Euordia and Syntyche to “live in harmony in the Lord.” Their names are not very common. Let’s have a little fun with this text by slightly changing their names to “irritable” and “soon touchy.” Some people are like that. They have a short fuse and prone to tension.
As we look deeper at the text, we have a clue as to the root problem. These two were overworked. They were laboring hard with menial tasks in the church and most likely missing out on the worship, Word and fellowship times. That often happens.
The solution was simple. Paul instructed the others to roll up their sleeves and help the overworked. The overworked included Clement as well. The principle is true that 20% of the people do 80% of the work in most churches. These become friction prone.
The cause of the gospel takes hard work. If we are not careful we can deceive ourselves into thinking that we are indispensable and in charge. The danger sign is that we become “irritable” and “soon touchy.” We take control, loose our joy, and begin to grumble and complain. The next thing that happens is that key relationships like our marriage and family begins to fall apart.
Beware! This is one of Satan’s primary traps. If your marriage and family are falling apart, you are no longer serving Jesus Christ; you are merely serving your own ego or sense of self significance. You are becoming part of the problem. You have lost your focus and calling.
Many gifted and hard working believers are on the sidelines of life with ruined key relationships because they lost sight of basic biblical priorities and boundaries. In the end, they drop out of ministry and become angry, bitter, critical and syndical. I have met many of them. They are harder to reach than nonChristians. They need love, healing and restoration.
Are you in these verses? Paul included two groups of people in this context. The overworked and the lazy and uncommitted. Both positions are dangerous to proper spiritual growth and fruitfulness. Do you need to step back or step up? Either might be needed for Jesus to become your surpassing value and heart song.
Daily Bible Commentary By Terry Baxter: Cofounder of GoServ Global
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