The Refiners Fire: Philippians 1:14
“14) and that most of the brethren, trusting in the Lord because of my imprisonment, have far more courage to speak the word of God without fear.” Philippians 1:14
Paul’s afflictions for the cause of Christ had an unusual benefit. Those won to Christ through his sufferings were filled with more courage and boldness.
A soft gospel produces soft believers. But, those who come to Christ under the shadow and threat of persecution have an unusual substance to their faith. “… they have far more courage to speak the word of God without fear.”
Such is the case of the persecuted church. It produce followers of Christ who have courage and boldness. They do not come to Christ for what they can gain, they come to Christ despite what it might cost them.
Paul viewed this as an unusual benefit of his personal sufferings. His willingness to suffer for Christ and the gospel validated his message. God used his sufferings to pour a courageous spirit on the believers.
This same mystery surfaces again and again throughout the book of Acts. Threats, adversities and persecution added fuel to their praying and power to their preaching. (See Acts 4:28-31)
It was the wealthy church in Laodicea that became lukewarm. (See Revelation 3:14-22). Their gospel and walk with God was distorted by wealth, ease and luxury.
So it is with the western church today. It produces distorted faith and a distorted gospel that is self-centered rather than Christ-centered. Christianity always thrives under the shadows of persecution and suffering. The refiners fire always produces pure gold.
Daily Bible Commentary By Terry Baxter: Cofounder of GoServ Global
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“14) and that most of the brethren, trusting in the Lord because of my imprisonment, have far more courage to speak the word of God without fear.” Philippians 1:14
Paul’s afflictions for the cause of Christ had an unusual benefit. Those won to Christ through his sufferings were filled with more courage and boldness.
A soft gospel produces soft believers. But, those who come to Christ under the shadow and threat of persecution have an unusual substance to their faith. “… they have far more courage to speak the word of God without fear.”
Such is the case of the persecuted church. It produce followers of Christ who have courage and boldness. They do not come to Christ for what they can gain, they come to Christ despite what it might cost them.
Paul viewed this as an unusual benefit of his personal sufferings. His willingness to suffer for Christ and the gospel validated his message. God used his sufferings to pour a courageous spirit on the believers.
This same mystery surfaces again and again throughout the book of Acts. Threats, adversities and persecution added fuel to their praying and power to their preaching. (See Acts 4:28-31)
It was the wealthy church in Laodicea that became lukewarm. (See Revelation 3:14-22). Their gospel and walk with God was distorted by wealth, ease and luxury.
So it is with the western church today. It produces distorted faith and a distorted gospel that is self-centered rather than Christ-centered. Christianity always thrives under the shadows of persecution and suffering. The refiners fire always produces pure gold.
Daily Bible Commentary By Terry Baxter: Cofounder of GoServ Global
Sent from my iPhone