Important Daily Bible Commentary Update from Terry Baxter:
I want to share some very exciting news with you who enjoy the Daily Bible Commentary. After 14 years of getting up nearly every night and writing the Daily Bible Commentary, the New Testament is nearly complete.
The Gospel of Mark is now nearing completion. The books of Philippians and Luke are the only remaining New Testament books. That’s right, they will complete the entire New Testament. The book of Genesis has also been completed.
We get reports from around the world of people being blessed by this project. My number one request is to publish complete books of Daily Bible Commentary in electronic form and offer them as free down loads. That process has begun!
Over a year ago, Freedom Quest became its own division under GoServ Global. That means we are self funded. The Daily Bible Commentary and the Freedom Quest Workshops are my top two priorities at this time.
Four months ago, Freedom Quest hired Dan Jones as our first staff person. He has been working diligently as a full time editor for the Daily Bible Commentary. He has become my right hand man.
He is tackling the massive task of editing all the completed Bible books and preparing them for electronic publication. Soon, many of them will be ready on our GoServ Global webpage for free download. I am so excited about the far reaching potential of this project.
Already requests are coming in for translation into other languages. Among them are Swahili and Spanish. The Daily Bible Commentary has the potential of blessing millions of people around the world as a practical Bible study tool. We are in the preliminary stages of pricing translation costs.
But that’s not the full story. The Freedom Quest Workshop on Spiritual Warfare that I teach is also growing in popularity and demand. I have just completed a new revision of the material with many new additions. A third printing of the workbooks is in progress.
Demand for the workshop is exploding beyond my ability conduct live workshops around the world. Last week, I made a trip to a Christian Television Studio to investigate the possibility of producing the workshop in video form. The likelihood of a professional production is coming together fast.
This fall, I hope to produce the workshop and make it available for personal study, small groups, churches and Christian worker training centers around the world.
God has used this practical material to lead many to freedom from sinful bondage and demonic oppression. Many others have been biblically equipped for effective deliverance ministry. God has also used this material to spark revival among pastors in several counties as they are set free from shameful sin and bondage.
I want to make it available at minimal cost. Usually those who need it most can afford it least. I have no desire to make a profit from these projects. The Bible teaches “Freely receive, freely give.” I believe God wants to equip and train thousands of Christians through these Freedom Quest materials.
To help move these mountains, I am asking God to raise up a support base to help underwrite these projects and opportunities. God has already raised up a few people with significant gifts to help launch these initiatives.
Let me be clear, I receive no personal compensation from these projects. Debby and I are supported as missionaries under GoServ Global. We appreciate every partner who gives toward our personal support.
To be clear, Freedom Quest is a separate venture under GoServ Global. Our passion is reaching the lost with the gospel, producing practical Bible study materials and equipping believers for effective ministry.
Would you consider joining this venture? We need your help in underwriting these growing opportunities.
I am fully vested and up every night writing and praying. Many weeks of the year I spend traveling and ministering in places where others refuse to go. I count it a blessing to be a bond servant of Jesus for your sake.
To join this cause, go to the GoServ Global web page and support Freedom Quest. If you need additional guidance, call the GoServ Global office and talk to one of our staff who can point you in the right direction.
Together we can greatly impact this lost and broken world! We will also be adding other social media outlets for the Daily Bible Commentary soon.
Pray for me and our small team. I have nearly zero technical skills for these ventures. God gets all the glory. I actually think He has a huge sense of humor pushing me into these ventures. I am the least qualified when it comes to modern technology. It’s going to take a team to make this happen.
Our passion is to put these tools in Gods hands with zero expectation or desire for personal compensation. We are simply asking the Holy Spirit to multiply them around the world.
I trust that in 2025 and beyond, millions of people around the world will have free access to electronic downloads of the Daily Bible Commentary and the Freedom Quest Workshop. As physical doors slam shut for the gospel in many countries, electronic doors remain wide open. My joy is overflowing!
I envision many fellow believers in the persecuted church, the underground church and in repressive counties having free electronic access to these Bible Study and training tools. I can only imagine!
My goal is to unleash them into the hands of God for His glory. Then I am asking the Holy Spirit to blow on them with the breath of God and send them wherever He pleases!
Daily Bible Commentary Update By Terry Baxter: Cofounder of GoServ Global
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