Run with Intensional Fervor: 1 Timothy 6:11
“But flee from these things, you man of God, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, perseverance, and gentleness.” 1 Timothy‬ ‭6:11‬ ‭
Paul warned Timothy to flee from every trap or snare associated with the love of money. He wanted him to avoid this huge danger that often entangles the human soul.
Instead, he wanted him to pursue the things that define a man or woman of God. He wanted him to run after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, goodness, perseverance and gentleness.
Make no mistake, you cannot aim at the target of godliness and the love of money at the same time. They are in polar opposite directions. Paul warned Timothy to flee from the love of money but to pursue God with intentional fervor.
Notice, this is a run and not a passive walk. It can be illustrated by David facing Goliath. He ran toward the battle line. (See 1 Samual 17:48) There was no hesitation. David had a mission in mind. He had a giant to slay.
We need to pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, perseverance, and gentleness with the same fervor. These are giant character qualities. They are non optional. Stop hesitating about developing these qualities in your life. Turn you back on the love of money and run after these things!
Daily Bible Commentary By Terry Baxter: Cofounder of GoServ Global