We had a wonderful Thanksgiving with family, got some deals on Cyber Monday, now would like to share another tradition, #GivingTuesday.

We are blessed to be able to work with a local organization that is making a difference around the world, GoServ Global. By sponsoring a child in Haiti, we not only change the life of that girl, but by giving her a future with hope, she can help bring the change that is needed in her country.

I was at a large chain store last night, grabbed a few small gifts for the grandkids, things that they surely could live without. I also wanted to get a few things for Islande, our girl in Haiti. I left the toy department and picked up things she would appreciate, toothbrushes and toothpaste, shampoo, washcloths and soap. I got extras because I have seen her at the orphanage and I know she will probably give her gifts away to the younger girls she helps take care of. She knows what it feels like to have nothing. I love her caring heart.

There are more children that need sponsorship, check it out at goservglobal.org/sponsor-a-child-2/

There are many ways you can help, pick what works best for you. For us, the best part is visiting Islande in person! —Ambassadors Joel & Linda Zwiefel

To make a general donation, https://goservglobal.org/give/