Commended to God: Acts 20:32
“32) And now I commend you to God and to the word of His grace, which is able to build you up and to give you the inheritance among all those who are sanctified.” Acts 20:32
Paul poured himself into making disciples. He taught. He preached. He prayed with people. He prayed for people. He pointed them to Jesus. He befriended them. He served them. He encouraged them. But in the end, he could not force them to change or grow.
They needed to embrace Jesus and pursue Him and His fulness for themselves. They needed to build on truth, study the Word and seek the ministry of the Holy Spirit in their own lives. That’s what makes this verse so profound.
Paul commended them to God and the Word of His grace. He left them at the feet of Jesus. His conscience was clear. His motives had been pure. There was nothing more to do. His job among them was done. It was time for them to solo with Jesus or crash and burn.
Paul refused to waste his life changing diapers on spiritual babies who refused to put in the effort to grow. Those who stepped into their inheritance “in Christ” no longer needed his help.
They were soaring in their own walk with God. They were in tune with the ministry of the Holy Spirit. Their lives were sanctified. They had come to freedom over sin and Satan. They were being transformed by the power of God. They were living holy lives. They were obedient to the truth and becoming fruitful for the kingdom. They were impacting others.
Early in my Christian life, I was admonished to assume responsibility for my own relationship with God and “press on” with fervor and holy abandonment. (Philippians 3:7-16) God prompted me to reject average and zealously embrace every blessing “in Christ.”
I have sincerely tried to follow that calling. I have had ups and downs. I have had times of distraction, but God has been 100% faithful. His Word is my delight. His Spirit is my guide and teacher. After nearly fifty years of walking with God, momentum is building like a tsunami. I may have been a tough case, but Jesus has changed me into a new man. I love Him more than anything or anyone. My “spirit cup” overflows.
I do not say this to brag. To the contrary, I say this to truthfully testify that there is no end to the surpassing blessings and value of walking with God. I can say with Paul that intimate communion with Jesus Christ is a surpassing value that is undesirable.
I now commend you to the word of His grace. I admonish you to forsake this world and seek God through Jesus Christ. Dig deep into the Word and trust the Holy Spirit to be your teacher and guide. Embrace the surpassing value that walking with Jesus holds for you.
Daily Bible Commentary By Terry Baxter: Cofounder of GoServ Global