We returned last night from our trip to Haiti. While we were there we had the opportunity to visit a family that just received a Safe T Home after their old home was destroyed by Hurricane Matthew. They shared many details about the storm. Obviously still very emotional from all that they went through. Their house was destroyed early on as the winds quickly built to 130-150 mph. Somehow they managed to get to a neighbor only to find their house gone, a second and third, as well.
Finally they were able to walk to James 1:27 Widow & Infant Village (our baby project) and ride out the storm in one of the Safe T Homes. With all that was happening, the mom and kids got separated from the dad. As the winds started to die down they went out to look for him, finding him under the ruble of what used to be their house. Somehow all survived!
When asked about receiving their new home she said how they believe we were sent by God, as if gold was sent down from heaven to help rebuild their lives. What a blessing to be there to hear their story and see the gratitude in their eyes. My only wish is that all of you who have donated could be there and experience it first-hand.
The Safe T Homes are a life changer for so many as we continue to ship and build homes. May God bless each one that have helped with the hurricane recovery!
–Ken DeYoung, GoServ Global Co-Founder
To give to the Safe T Home, visit https://goservglobal.org/give.